Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Brief Introduction

Hi! We're Gale and Wendi! We've been married for five years and are hoping that we will be able to welcome a baby into our family soon.

We created this blog so that people could get to know us better. So, I suppose introductions are in order.

I'm (Wendi) 26 years old. I graduated from college several years ago with a Bachelor's degree in History and Political Science. However, music is my passion. I've been performing since I was about three years old (though my family would tell you I came out performing). I love to sing and dance and act and have participated in many plays. I also play the piano, which I've been doing for 17 years. For me, music is a way to express myself.

I also love to cook. My grandmother is an amazing cook and has passed that down to my mother and me. I love going over to my grandmother's house for our monthly family get-together and watch as she makes her famous Roast Beef and Potatoes and Gravy and of course, her fudge-like chocolate frosting! I'm so grateful to have such examples of womanhood and motherhood in my life!

For my part, I'm very close to my family. I'm the oldest of six children, a role that I haven't always appreciated, but love now. I love that my younger siblings look up to me and ask for advice. I love being able to help them with school projects! Another thing I love is spending time with my family. My mom and I "do lunch" on a fairly regular basis. And it's great to go shopping with my sister and sister-in-law! And my brothers are pretty entertaining too. They definitely keep me on my toes! And the best thing about my family is that we all share an un-dying love for Disneyland and all things Disney!

As for Gale, he's an Accountant, need I say more? (Just kidding, I know that the stereo-type for accountants are boring but my husband is definitely not that.) My husband is a very good sport. He's always willing to go along with whatever crazy plan I come up with. (For example going to Disneyland for the second or even third time in a single year.)

He graduated a year and a half ago with a Masters of Business Administration (MBA). He's currently working on becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), which involves taking a series of tests on subjects that make my brain hurt.
When he's not doing these things, he likes to relax and take it easy. His most recent passion is doing yard work. He likes to go out and pull weeds and mow the lawn. Of course he does entertaining things as well. He likes to read, we both do. We also enjoy just hanging out and watching a little television.

He's the oldest of five children. And his mother says he was born an adult. Somehow, I don't doubt that. He's extremely responsible and sometimes seems much more wise than he should be for his age (which is 27).
Well, that's a little bit about us. There's not a whole lot to tell. We've grown close in our attempt to bring children into our home. We have so much love to share. All we really want is to give a child a place to call home.